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How Buffer Assets Might Be Able to Help Your Retirement 

Investing involves risk. When you put your money to work in the financial markets there’s always a chance, over every time period, that you could lose money. Most of the time, especially over longer time frames, the market goes up. But they don’t have to. The risk is always there – and that risk is […]

Two Philosophies for Retirement Income Planning Part Two: Safety-First School

This article is part of a series; click here to read Part 1. The safety-first school of thought was originally derived from academic models of how people allocate their resources over a lifetime to maximize lifetime satisfaction. Academics have studied these models since the 1920s to figure out how rational people make optimal decisions. In […]

Preparing for Retirement When You’re Starting Late

Everyone knows that you’re supposed to start saving for retirement early, but that doesn’t always happen. In fact, if you look at the numbers, it’s actually pretty rare. Most people are woefully unprepared for retirement, but you can change that.

What is Risk?

role of risk in investing retirement researcher

Risk is one of those complicated concepts that you can’t really pin down to one definition, but it’s the single most important factor for investors.

How the Fed Impacts Your Investments

how the fed affects your investments

The financial media loves talking about changes in the target for the Federal Funds Rate. What the financial media want to talk about and what actually matters don’t overlap much. Let’s take a look at how changes in the Federal Funds Rate actually impact your investments.

What Are Annuities?

Annuities are like power tools. In the right hands, they can help you considerably, but if you don’t know what you’re doing, you could cut your fingers off.

What is a Reverse Mortgage?

Reverse mortgages have gotten a bad rap. Admittedly, a lot of it was deserved. A bad rap doesn’t just happen without something to base it on. But a lot has changed since Fred Thompson was selling them on daytime TV. Now, reverse mortgages are tightly regulated at both the federal and state levels, not to […]

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Travel in Retirement:

New Options and Opportunities

Hosted By

Dan Veto, CSA

Tuesday, July 23rd

1:00 - 2:00 PM ET

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