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Reverse mortgage calculator

HECM Calculator: Net Available Line of Credit or Tenure Payment for a Variable Rate Loan

Home’s Appraised Value
HECM Eligible Amount
10-Year Constant Maturity Treasury Rate
Lender’s Margin
Monthly Insurance Premium
Age of Youngest Eligible (Borrower or Non-Borrower) Spouse Note: Round age up if birthday falls within six months of the first day of the month that the loan will close
Age Modified Expected Rate
Maximum Possible Amount
Loan origination fee
Initial mortgage insurance
Other closing costs (appraisal, titling, etc.)
Total Upfront Costs
Percentage of Upfront Costs to be Financed
Debt Repayment, Repairs, or Other Life-Expectancy Set-Aside (LESA) Requirements
Net Available HECM Credit
Monthly Annual Payout Rate
Net Available as a Tenure Payment
Term Payment Calculator
Desired Term Horizon (Years)
Monthly Annual
Net Available as a Term Payment

Inclusion of the reverse mortgage calculator on this page should not be construed as advice or recommendations regarding the appropriateness of a reverse mortgage to a viewer’s individual circumstances. If website visitor makes use of the reverse mortgage calculator contained within or linked to this site, he or she acknowledges that the information resulting from the use of any such calculator is intended to be used for illustrative and educational purposes only and is not, and should not be construed, as the receipt of, or a substitute for, personalized individual advice from Retirement Researcher, LLC or from any investment professional. Not all services will be appropriate or necessary for all clients, and the potential value and benefit of the adviser’s services will vary based upon a variety of factors, such as the client’s investment, tax, and financial circumstances and overall objectives. Neither personalized nor tailored services should be construed as a guarantee of a particular outcome. Past performance does not guarantee future results. All investing comes with risk, including the risk of loss.

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