Business Owners: Did You Know You Are a Fiduciary?

Employer-sponsored retirement plans — such as 401(k)s or 403(b)s — are one of the primary sources of retirement savings for Americans. If you are an employer who has set up such a plan, you might not be aware of the responsibilities that come with your role as a plan sponsor.
How Should I Spend My Money in Retirement?

The whole point of saving your money is to be able to use it in the future. You’ve spent decades saving for retirement, so you want to use the money in the most effective way possible.
How to Age in Place

Originally published at Forbes Another important consideration for housing decisions, whether you decide to stay put or move, is to make sure a foundation exists to comfortably support aging in place. This concept refers to the growing industry around helping the aging population remain in their homes despite functional or cognitive impairments. Individuals benefit from […]
Protecting Your Assets and Making Your Wishes Known

A lot of things get lumped under the broad title of estate planning. Not only are you arranging the financial aspects of your estate, but you’re letting everyone know your intentions regarding healthcare and any other wishes you may have. This process is exactly the same before and after retirement; the only difference is that […]
What Does Retirement Mean?

Retirement has changed. It’s no longer about getting your gold watch and playing golf all the time. Retirement is now a frame of mind – you’re retired when you can do what you want. It doesn’t necessarily have anything to with whether you are drawing a paycheck or not. Retirement is the freedom to decide what you want to do. At the same time, retirement has also gotten longer. You could very well be looking at a retirement that lasts 30 years or more, making retirement even harder to plan for than it was before.
Organizing Your Finances After a Chronic Illness
Chronic illness is life-changing. When it comes to medical expense coverage, you might be looking at new regulations on the kinds of treatments available to you, the physicians you meet with, and the hospitals that are covered. Unfortunately, the older you get, the more likely a chronic illness becomes. The statistics are staggering: 90 percent […]
Total Return vs Income Investing: Same, but Different

Retirees can take 2 main approaches to spending from portfolios. 1) Focus on income and dividends produced in the portfolio, a.k.a. “income investing.” 2) Sell assets as appropriate to meet spending needs. For your portfolio, they’re basically the same thing. But, from your point of view, you should be aware of one difference: focusing on income investing can make your portfolio less diversified.
How Many Stocks Does it Take to Be Truly Diversified?

Everyone “knows” you should have a diversified portfolio. What other kind of portfolio would you want? Yet most people don’t really know what diversified means. What does a diversified portfolio look like? How many stocks do you need to own to achieve true diversification? The short answer: All of them. The long answer is a little more […]
How Asset Location Helps Your Investments Flourish

How you invest is the largest determining factor in the level of returns you will see. But what about the “where” of investing?
How Should Retirement Spending Adjust to Investment Portfolio Performance?

A natural starting point for discussions about retirement spending is the 4% rule. William Bengen look at all the different 30 year periods in US history and found that withdrawing 4% of retirement date assets, and then subsequently adjusting the spending amount for inflation over the next 30 years, would have worked historically as a sustainable strategy.