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How Much Income Do I Need in Retirement?

Most people are focused on saving for retirement so they’ll have the money they need to fund their income in retirement. However, ask most people how much they’re going to spend in retirement and they have no idea. To plan for retirement effectively, you need to have some sense of what your spending needs are actually going to be.

4 Steps To Prepare Your Retirement Portfolio For The New Year

The end of the year is a great time to get your financial house in order. As the market bounces along throughout the year, your portfolio bounces right along with it. Every once in a while, you need to give it a checkup. And it’s not just rebalancing your investment portfolio (though I cover that in step 4) – you need to make sure your entire financial picture is in good working order.

5 Ways You’re Sabotaging Your Retirement

It seems that no matter how much information is out there, people are still hitting retirement with little or no preparedness at all. Here are 5 of the most common ways people are sabotaging their retirement.

Retirement Spending And Required Minimum Distributions

One final spending rule serves as a reasonably easy way to implement an actuarial method for retirement spending. Actuarial methods generally have retirees recalculate their sustainable spending annually based on the remaining portfolio balance, remaining longevity, and expected portfolio returns.

A Simple Way To Keep Your Portfolio In Line

Investing isn’t simply picking the best funds or building your perfect portfolio. Keeping your portfolio in line over the long term is just as important (if not more so).

When Tax-Loss Harvesting Makes Sense (And When It Doesn’t)

tomatoes on the vine ripening

Tax-loss harvesting, when done right, is the equivalent of turning your financial lemons into lemonade, by converting your market losses into tax savings. Successful tax-loss harvesting lowers your taxes without substantially impacting your long-term investment outcomes.

The Art of Asset Location

You’ve probably heard a realtor tell you that the 3 most important factors in a property’s value are location, location, and location. There’s a similar rule for investments: asset location. Where your assets are located within your portfolio matters.

What Type Of Retirement Spender Will You Be?

In August 2015, J.P. Morgan Asset Management released a study about retirement spending by Katherine Roy and Sharon Carson. In analyzing the expenditures for their diverse consumer base, they identified four retirement spending profiles and an additional category of miscellaneous individuals.

What Is Age Banding And What Does It Mean For Retirees?

Another important contribution in the area of retirement spending patterns is Somnath Basu’s 2005 article “Age Banding: A Model for Planning Retirement Needs.” Though it provided a comprehensive retirement planning framework, I want to focus specifically on the findings that covered post-retirement spending patterns.

Join us for a FREE webinar:

Travel in Retirement:

New Options and Opportunities

Hosted By

Dan Veto, CSA

Tuesday, July 23rd

1:00 - 2:00 PM ET

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