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Do Stocks Get Safer The Longer You Own Them?

There are a lot of cliches in retirement planning. And a lot of them are cliches for a good reason – they’re good advice. But not always, and more than a few of them are right for the wrong reasons. 

One of those cliches is that with investing you need to focus on the long term to reduce the risks from investing. It is absolutely true that investing is a long-term activity, but is that second part true? Do stocks (and other types of investments) get safer the longer you hold onto them?

How to Generate Inflation Adjusted Income in Retirement

Inflation is a fact of life. It’s also not so great for retirees. In fact, it’s one of the biggest risks that retirees face. By constantly eating away at the value of our savings and income, inflation will slowly reduce our purchasing power in retirement – if we don’t do anything about it.

You Can’t Time the Markets

The appeal of market timing is obvious. Who wouldn’t want to get in and out of the market at the best time every time? We’ve talked a lot about market timing in the past – timing risk premiums, trying to time the markets on a daily basis, and the importance of staying disciplined even when it seems obvious the markets are going to go down.

Are Stocks Safer in the Long-Term?

When you’re investing, you need to focus on the long-term. This is one of those pieces of received wisdom that everyone has heard, but it’s often wildly misinterpreted. There’s an idea that stocks get safer the longer you hold onto them because you can ride out the bad periods if you are disciplined enough – it’s just a matter of sticking around until the market rewards you for being a “good investor.” To put it simply, this is not the case.

Are the Markets’ New Highs the Current Worry?

There are a handful of times a year when certain events precipitate a market drop. So much so, that we feel it is helpful to provide perspective on why investing in the stock market is a great way to help you build your asset base so when you retire you can better generate retirement income […]

What Makes the Markets Move?

Financial markets are constantly on the move, and those moves can have serious implications for what your retirement will look like. Still, most people don’t really have any clue as to why the markets move the way they do.

What Risks Are Worth Taking

Risk drives everything about your investments, but all risk is not created equal. For most investors (and most of the financial industry) dealing with risk is a lot like making sausage. People want the end result, the investment returns, but they don’t want to deal with the process and the uncertainty that risk implies. They […]

Why You Make Profit From Investing

Why have markets been good to investors over the long-term? Why should you get those returns for simply investing your money? The reason: the market is paying you to take on risk.

Why Your Savings Rate is the Keystone of Retirement Planning

How much you save for retirement goes a long way to determining how much you can spend in retirement. There are many factors to your success in retirement, but they all pale in comparison to your savings rate. Put simply, this is the most important number in financial planning.

Should You Own Bonds in a Rising Rate Environment?

Most people don’t think too much about their bonds. They really are the boring foundation for your portfolio. However, occasionally they spring to the surface, and this is one of those times. Lately, a number of people have been wondering why they should be investing in bonds, since we’re obviously in a period of rising […]

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Travel in Retirement:

New Options and Opportunities

Hosted By

Dan Veto, CSA

Tuesday, July 23rd

1:00 - 2:00 PM ET

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