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How to Create Reliable Income Sources with Bond Ladders, SPIA’s and DIA’s

The change from working and saving to not working and spending from your portfolio is daunting. Layered on top of these “normal” concerns are today’s troubling headlines. This “headline risk” has contributed to recent market volatility. While we understand that this volatility can cause one to be nervous, our view is that no matter the market, one can always be worried about it. So, what should you be doing now or in the future if you have these concerns?

Taking Portfolio Spending Into the Real World for Retirees

There has been too much emphasis on the portfolio and spending conservatively to keep failure rates low. This is not the whole story for retirement income. Certain circumstances, which we will explore, may allow retirees to accept a higher probability of “failure,” and spend more aggressively from their investment portfolio.

What Are Annuities?

Annuities are like power tools. In the right hands, they can help you considerably, but if you don’t know what you’re doing, you could cut your fingers off.

Understanding Bond Returns

Bonds may not be as flashy as stocks, but they form the bedrock of your portfolio, so you should understand how they work.

Join us for a FREE webinar:

Travel in Retirement:

New Options and Opportunities

Hosted By

Dan Veto, CSA

Tuesday, July 23rd

1:00 - 2:00 PM ET

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